Kingston University’s Vice Chancellor, Steven Spier, shares why this project was of such importance to Kingston University, why the attainment gap should be a priority for the Higher Education sector, and some advice for other institutions thinking of embarking on this journey.
Using a value added metric and an inclusive curriculum framework to address the
BME attainment gap
The gap in attainment between White and BME students is both a major and a longstanding issue for HE. Kingston University has used a Value Added (VA) metric and an Inclusive Curriculum Framework (ICF) to substantially reduce this attainment gap. The principal aim of this project was to see if these tools could be successfully transferred and embedded in other universities. The project has been a success. All five partners have not only adopted the VA and adapted the ICF, but are universally enthusiastic about their impact.
To find out more…

This website contains details on each of the initiatives and a host of engaging information on their application at each institution. This is done through case studies, videos and useful documents sharing ways you can get students involved in efforts to tackle attainment gaps and much more.

It is designed to be used either in sections, with bite sized information on a particular topic or picked up as a whole. So whether you have just 5 minutes or 5 hours, hopefully you will find something interesting and useful to browse.